Education they say is the key to solving the world’s problem. I think that is a very true statement but, there has to be a but in there because education has been used to help create many of the world’s problems. Mike Pence was in Virginia at a Christian College railing against the Critical Race Theory which is not even a subject that is taught in any school system that I know of. I do not hear any Democrat out there even talking about Critical Race Theory but here is Mike Pence trying to make an issue out of it. Democrats talk about wanting equal justice and Mike Pence sounded like the Grand Wizard at a KKK rally. What is the KKK doing at a Christian College? Oh I forgot, the KKK was a Christian organization. You know that in the Gospel the only White People were the Roman Soldiers and Pontius Pilot. They were the oppressors, the bad guys but that may be a subject for its own posting. Our education system can be used to teach students facts and how to think and research proble...
Not a Democrat or Republican. Not Liberal and not Conservative. I am an Independent American: Follow me on Bluesky, I-Could-Be-Wrong, Written by David Pederson