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Showing posts from August, 2022
  Why in god’s name would anyone want to be a teacher? If there is any one group that has been demonized by the right it is teachers. I have read that there is an 8,000 teacher shortage here in Florida. We are not talking cold Wisconsin or Michigan. We are talking about fun and sun Florida. You would think that Florida would be the perfect place for a teacher coming out of college to work. So what is the problem? Now I could say that it is all DeSantis but that would not be true. I think that it is a number of reasons but one is DeSantis. How would you like to hold a job where the public thinks that you should put your life in danger so they can have daycare? Yes like hospitals, schools are a germ factory. My wife historically would get sick right before Christmas. Now you have a pandemic and that just makes our schools a bigger germ factory than they already are. Did State of Florida do anything to make our schools safer? Here in Lee County I think the School administration did ...
  Every day that I drive up McGregor Boulevard I pass this house that has a neon sign in its yard saying that “God is Love”. I always think that if I owned that house the first thing I would do is take down that sign. The only reason I would is because even though that God may be Love but a lot of the people that worship him are anything but love. I swear that more people have died in the name of God than anything else. More hate is spread in the name of god I think than any other thing. In my youth I believed that God was Love but now after everything that I have seen in my almost 70 years I no longer know what to think of god. I do know what to think of religion and I want no part of it. When Religion does not want you to search for the truth I think then it becomes more harmful than it does good. When it hides the truth that makes it even worse. The role of the church and the role in nationalism is not a new thing. During the 1920s there was a movement within the German Evange...
  Someone asked me a while back “What is this Woke stuff?” To be honest with you at the time I really hadn’t paid that much attention to all the talk about being woke. I had been spending most of my time researching the insurrection and gun control. I was too busy trying to figure how the Second Amendment became the mess that we have today. How we went from slave patrols to today’s illegal militias. I didn’t realize that they were talking about people like me. I realized that my search for truth and for answers was what they were complaining about. Not me personally but people like me.   When I started writing I always wanted to make sure that what I wrote was as close to the truth as I understood it. When I would write about the causes of the Civil War I would try to come up with the proper perspective. For instance, the Civil War was fought for States Rights. Well that is a true statement only it was an oversimplified reason for the war. Yes, State Rights were as the foref...
  Most of you probably do not know that I am a huge sports fan. I have been following the Packers pretty much all my life and as a grade schooler I was a Milwaukee Braves fan. My heroes in life growing up were Bart Star and Henry Aaron. Two pretty good stars to be looking up to. They were very confident ,  determined individuals that still maintained a certain amount of modesty and humility.  They both were products of the 50 s and I think their persona off-the- field reflected that. To this day that is the kind of athlete that I look for but let’s face it, sports are just a reflection of our society . Today’s sport is more of a me- me type of persona with an in your face type of attitude. In a way our politics have gone the way  of sport or maybe it is that our   sports have  gone the way of politics.  We have p oliti cian s that believe that they should get special treatment because they are in the Senate, Congress or even the President.  We hav...
  I am always thinking about what I stand for. That use to be what made me decide how on how I voted and who I voted for. Now it is what political party stands for that is closer to my beliefs. I will tell you that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans think exactly the way I think. Probably some third party would be closer but that would be like throwing my vote away so let’s get that out of the way right away. I have found that politics has changed more than my thinking has. We use to have liberal, moderates and conservatives in both parties. Yes, believe it or not there were liberal Republicans and Conservative Democrats. Rockefeller was an example of a Liberal Republican and George Wallace would be an example of a Conservative Democrat. Today we have a party that calls themselves conservative and claim that they embrace conservative values and then we have everyone else that disagrees with them as a liberal. Remembering what I have seen in my almost 70 years on this planet ...
  Yesterday I was on Twitter and I replied to Charlie Crist post about education. Of course I got back a few replies back about how I supported the gay agenda in our schools and garbage like that. Not a big deal because you know the trolls are going to be coming out because they only know how to insult. One reply caught my attention. A woman posted that I was in favor of the schools indoctrinating our children. I looked up this woman’s profile and the first picture I see is two naked women groping each other in a bath tub. Needless to say that was not I expected. My comment back to the woman was “Do see what you are selling?” Her comment back to me was that she only sells to consenting adults. Now, the minimum age for Twitter is 13 years old.   So, any 13 year old with a Twitter account may be able to see that same picture that I saw. So in reality I have an online pornographer yelling at me that I want our children indoctrinated and she is using a platform that any 13 year ol...
  I always wonder what the Republicans stand for now? I don’t ask that question to get all the smart aleck comments. I really try and search for an answer. I know that if I asked a Trump supporter what a Democrat stood for all I would get was smart aleck comments. I really try and search for answers. They just insult because it is easier than actually searching for answers and finding solutions. When I started writing I thought that answers would be easier to find. I was wrong. What I have found out is that what I get mostly is more questions. I used to think of myself as a Republican. I have always like rules and I thought that for the most part the Republicans were the most disciplined of the two parties. I really did think of the Republicans as the party of law and order. I grew up thinking that the Republicans were the more fiscally conservative of the two parties. I thought that the Republicans were the thinking man’s party. I have to admit that I have always been a little f...
  I am writing this on my birthday. I have just completed my 69 th trip around the sun. During that time I have gone from black and white TV to color TV and AM radio to the internet and social media. I have lived through the electronic age to the digital age. I have gone from the evening newspaper to news on demand 24 hours a day. I have witnessed the Jet Age to the Space Age. I have witnessed wars from Vietnam to Afghanistan and now wonder what did any of them accomplish?   I was born during the Polio Epidemic and so far have survived the Covid Pandemic. I have seen the riots during multiple generations and have learned when it comes to race we really have not moved very far.   I have seen now 13 presidents and may still see a couple of more in my lifetime if I am lucky. Today I am witnessing what may just be the end of our Republic as the world has known it. Today I feel that I am witnessing our Country of laws become the Country of lawlessness. I am witnessing peopl...
  It is always exciting to hear what Marco Rubio has to say. Why is it exciting? Because I know that it will be either political or religious and they both are just self serving. Maybe exciting is the wrong word. Maybe the proper word is suspenseful. When I listen to Rubio talk he never seems to talk about things that are going to affect the State of Florida like the rising oceans. I listed a link below where in 2019 Rubio is talking about Climate Solutions. He says a lot but really if you read the article he really does not say very much. He talks about the Everglades Project as a solution to climate change. I think that is great that they are trying to reverse the damage that the State and Country has done to the environment but to be honest with you it will have no effect on Climate Change. Why? Because the Everglades will be eventually absorbed by the ocean. What will be there to stop the rising seas? The Everglades are barely above sea level so any rise in the oceans is going ...
  I have to admit that I do live in an interesting state. How many states are sponsoring a Python Hunt with cash prizes. Yup, there are cash prizes up to 2500 dollars in each category for novice to professional. The Python is an invasive species that is devastating the Everglades. Since 2000 more than 17000 have been captured. It is a serious problem that needs a serious solution. Using it for a political stunt is not a solution, it is just a political stunt. Yes they will rid the State of hundreds of pythons but this is not the solution it is just a news story and DeSantis likes to keep himself in the news. Is there a solution to the python problem? I don’t know but having a python roundup is just a story that will not even put a dent in the problem. It is just politics. Florida has for years ignored it’s most precious thing which is its environment. Florida is going to have a new license plate. Problem is, it is again someone playing politics. DeSantis has introduced a new “Don...
  Alex Jones has been ordered to pay over 4 million dollars to two of the parents of the dead Sandy Hook children. Now, Alex Jones is a liar in my opinion. He lies for money. To be more accurate he lies to get your money. He lies to so he can sell you things. His lies can be cruel like saying the Sandy Hook mass shooting of those schools children was staged and the people were actors. Parents lost their children and then they have to deal with the harassment and threats cause by Alex Jones’s lies and by the people that believed those lies. Of course now he wants you to buy more products from him to help him pay his judgment. In reality what he wants is for you to pay him money so he can continue to lie.. What is the reason he lies? Money. His business makes over 800,000 dollars a day so 4.1 million will be made up in a week .The man is filthy rich because he is a liar.* What in the hell is wrong with this world when the lie becomes the product that a person sells and you buy it. Of...
  As I read the headlines I see that China is in them an awful lot. Nancy Pelosi was warned not to go to Taiwan by the Chinese Government. Of course she went as she should have. The Chinese should never have tried to bully her into not going. Yes, I know that China considers Taiwan a threat but how much of a threat are they? I am pretty sure that the coast of Mainland China is safe from invasion.   What Taiwan is really, is a group of people that didn’t want to submit to Communist Chinese rule so they fled the China to the Island of Taiwan. They lost the civil war and fled. That is a little more common in history than most would think. We had our own Tories that fled to Canada than to side with the new government being establish in the Colonies. What makes Taiwan so unique, in my opinion, for almost 3 decades the Taiwan Government was considered the legitimate government of China ignoring the fact that a billion Chinese lived in mainland China. China was one of the founding me...
  Are we in a recession? If we are, we are in one that I have never seen the likes of it. Forbes defines a recession as a “significant decline in economic activity for months or even years. Experts declare a recession when a nation’s economy experiences negative gross domestic product, rising levels of unemployment, falling retail sales, and contracting measures of income and manufacturing for an extended period of time. Recessions are considered an unavoidable part of the business cycle - or the regular cadence of expansion and contraction that occurs in a nation’s economy.” I am not an expert on the economy by any means but I have been through a few recessions in my day and if we are this one is a pretty strange one. I always try to think of things in simple terms. My economy is how much money I have coming in today versus yesterday. How much money I have going out today versus yesterday. What has changed in the direction my money is going in today versus yesterday. In the earl...