I once saw a posting on facebook that said that “I don’t lose friends because of politics; I lose friends because of morals. The first time I saw that posting I thought it was funny. Over the past year though it has become less funny and truer. Most of the people I hang around with have similar morals that I do. Let’s face it. Voter suppression and racism are not political issues they are moral issues. Voter suppression is meant to do just what it says. Stop people from voting. When a mostly party of White Politicians does it you have to call it what it really is. Racism! As I have stated in more than one posting I used to lean Republican. It wasn’t until Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America did I start looking a little differently at the Republican Party. On the surface it was a good sounding piece of work but I just had an uneasy feeling that we were going to start going in a direction that I did not think was good. What I saw was as a power grab to weaken the s...
Not a Democrat or Republican. Not Liberal and not Conservative. I am an Independent American: Follow me on Bluesky, I-Could-Be-Wrong, Written by David Pederson