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Showing posts from March, 2021
  I once saw a posting on facebook that said that “I don’t lose friends because of politics; I lose friends because of morals. The first time I saw that posting I thought it was funny. Over the past year though it has become less funny and truer. Most of the people I hang around with have similar morals that I do. Let’s face it. Voter suppression and racism are not political issues they are moral issues. Voter suppression is meant to do just what it says. Stop people from voting. When a mostly party of White Politicians does it you have to call it what it really is. Racism!   As I have stated in more than one posting I used to lean Republican. It wasn’t until Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America did I start looking a little differently at the Republican Party. On the surface it was a good sounding piece of work but I just had an uneasy feeling that we were going to start going in a direction that I did not think was good.  What I saw was as a power grab to weaken the s...
  What a week! 10 dead in Colorado and now the voter suppression bill in Georgia. I sure would like hear .some good news like, Let’s make America safe for everyone.”” or how about, “Let’s all have a say in our government.”   How do we make America safe again? Why do we discourage participation in our government? How much of all this is connected. We know that voter suppression and racism is connected.   Is voter suppression and making our streets safe connected too?   I personally think that it is hard to argue that voter suppression is not racism. If you believe that it is not I have some swamp land in Florida that I would like to sell you. We just had an election for President.   A Democrat won the State of Georgia. No matter how hard they tried and no matter how much pressure was applied by then President Trump they could not find any voter fraud. But a Democrat was elected, there must be voter fraud? The people spoke and the White dominated State Governmen...
  Another week and another shooting. I know that’s an exaggeration but it does feel like that. It just makes me want to scream. In the span of a couple of weeks we have 16 dead from gun violence. When is it going to stop? Why do we have more problems than other countries? Why do we define being free with having the ability to buy and carry a gun? There are a lot of questions but I am not hearing a lot of answers. There are countries that are a lot freer than we are were the people do not carry gun.    Guns are not what makes us free. The 2 nd amendment reads:   A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to bear Arms shall not be infringed.This one sentence is the root of all our problems. It spells out what they are trying to accomplish with this simple statement. It is allowing the States to have their own militias and you have to bring your own gun. Simple. The question I always ask myself is what if the St...
  The lying has got to stop. There have been many times in my life were I thought I was right about something that turned out wrong. Being wrong is not lying. All of us are wrong from time to time. Liars are people that say things they and others know are not true but don’t care. They say them anyway. They make stuff up because there are people out there that will listen and not bother to check. Of course, the worst lie is what they call the “big lie”, the lie that the election was stolen. Now this lie serves the Republican Party in many ways. First it is, meant to undermine the legitimacy of the Biden Presidency. Another reason is to show doubt in our voting system. Trump’s own administration has stated that it was the most secure election in history. I always thought securing our elections was part of the Department of Justice, you know the FBI.     I would think the FBI would have a group where all they do is investigate voter fraud. If the FBI can’t find voter fraud...
  Party Politics is really getting on my nerves. They voted on giving the Capitol Police that defended the Capitol for the insurrectionist a medal and 12 Republican Congressman voted against it?  They want to act like it didn’t happen. They went and hid and these Police Officers protected them and they want to act like it didn’t happen. Oh sure, they are introducing a resolution that commends the Capitol Police but does not mention Jan 6 th or the insurrection. One man died because of the insurrection, two committed suicide because of the Insurrection and about 140 were injured with some being hospitalized. Now, where is the support for the police? These guys all ran and hid during the insurrection. These guys were all saved by the Capitol Police. They may actually owe their lives to the Capitol Police yet they choose to disrespect the Capitol Police. Maybe such bravery should be rewarded by not being reelected. I don’t care if they are replaced with a Republican or Democrat ...
  I am not an economy expert by any means. I am not even a college grad. But what is happening today just doesn’t make sense to me. You give the wealthy a tax cut and it is going to trickle down to the rest of us? Why would it? How is this going to bring back jobs that we have lost? I have heard the wealthy being called the Job Creators. Really? What jobs? Does how much a person makes in the stock market really create jobs? Now I would agree we need healthy corporations to maintain the jobs that we have but how does giving more money to the rich bring up the lower and middle classes?  Now for the longest time I have always thought that the key to growth would be putting more money into more people’s hands. Which is better, one person having the money to buy a new refrigerator or one hundred people buying a new refrigerator? I would think to have growth you would need to have people with money buying your product. I really do not think that cutting taxes for the rich really p...
    Now that the Covid 19 relief package has been passed and signed what is next?   I know a lot of people will scream the economy but let’s wait and see how the relief package works first. Some will say our crisis is at the border. Well, we have two crises at the border, one is people wanting to get into this country legally and then there are people trying to get in illegally. One of our problems is that we like to lump both of those together when they are two separate problems. Now to think about it, maybe there are three separate problems: asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and the racism that always has followed. Asylum seekers are people who want to enter our country legally. Let’s just say they are people that are asking us for help. They are asking us to help them get a better life. The problem is there are just too many of them and they are overloading the system. We are not the only country with this problem at the border.   Is that the fault of Biden? Is...
  The 5 th and last right that is on the list is that our Freedom of Religion is being threatened. I am actually surprised that this one wasn’t higher. This is also the one that I do not understand the most. This is also one of the harder ones to talk about. To me one of the biggest problems is separating Personal freedom from Religious freedom. Does a person have the Personal freedom to be gay? If the government says yes then is it infringing on their religious beliefs of someone else? Should our government be in the religious business at all? Now I am a personal freedom type guy. I believe that I have no right to oppress another person’s belief just because I don’t agree with it. Let me correct that a little. I believe that we should not have a problem with another person’s belief as long as it doesn’t harm anyone. If my neighbor is gay and I am I believe it is a sin do I have the right to take his freedom away. By letting him live his life his way what freedom of mine is bein...
  As I continue on my journey of the top five rights American think are being threatened I come to number 4, Freedom of Expression. To me, freedom of expression is a lot like freedom of free speech but I will run with this. There are all kinds of what I would consider expression. Music is expression, painting is expression, film is expression, and dance is expression. Also an expression is the right to express our opinion by protesting. Another kind of expression is our right of vote. Freedom of the arts has always been under attack. Music is always under attack. Early rock and roll was banned in some areas. Where it was banned like if a song was banned in Boston was sometimes used to promote a song. Elvis could only be filmed from the waist up because some people thought his movements were obscene. And look at film, talk about trying to stop freedom of expression. Groups have always wanted to control what we see, listen to, and read. I will always remember the wardrobe malf...
  Number 3 on my journey Is the Right to Equal Justice.  This one has been debated for longer than I have been alive and I am 67. In a nut shell, of course, there is not equal justice. I don’t think that there ever has been. It is a lofty goal but it may be impossible to reach. If you Google Money and Equal Justice you will get a ton of hits and most of them are not positive. This is one of many good sites that discuss this very subject. This may actually sometimes be more of a money thing than a race thing. Why is looks more like a race thing is because the disparity between the income of the races. A rich black person can dodge justice just like a rich white person. Look at O J Simpson and the legal team that not many of us could afford. Did he get off because of the truth or did he get off because he could afford the best. Money does talk and when it talks people listen.   In that last paragraph I wrote it may be more of a money thing than a race thing is only when...
  Now as I continue on the journey to discover the right that people feel that they are losing or are under attack I go to right number 2 on the USA list. The Right to Bear Arms.   I am a gun owner,   in fact I own multiple guns. The right to bear arms is part of the 2 nd amendment to our constitution. In my opinion it is also the most misunderstood, twisted and politicized amendment to the Constitution .   A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.  This one simple sentence has been debated since it was written. The first part of the sentence is that a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a Free State is one part of the amendment that has been mostly forgotten. Now our US military is a well regulated organization that is under the control of our Civilian Government headed by our Commander and Chief,   the President. So unde...
    As I said in my last post I would look at the top 5 freedoms that people say are happening in a USA poll.  Of course right up there at number one is freedom of speech. I have done a little searching and what I see most is political correct speech is not being threatened. The right to be nasty to someone, the right to say that forest fires are caused by Jewish Lasers, the right to say that Democrats are pedophiles and that Hillary eats little girls.   The right to lie is under attack. I don’t mind that ridiculous hate speech is under attack but what worries me is who are the cops? Who are the ones that say that is not acceptable? When it comes to my life only I can say what offends me what does not. I found this website that I read a couple dozen people explain their thoughts on the   way free speech was under attack. Each one was a I hope you take the time to read through a few of these and you will see what I mean. Now, a lot of people point to social m...