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Showing posts from September, 2022
  I love football. I will start out by saying that I am a huge football fan. My two teams are the Wisconsin Badgers and the Green Bay Packers. I try not to miss a game. It is easier to get the Badger games here in Florida than the Packers but we can always go to Lambeau South at Parrot Key if the game is not covered on local TV. I have been able to watch three of the greatest quarterbacks to play the game, Bart Star, Brett Favre, and Aaron Rodgers. That being said one of them should now be in everyone’s Hall of Shame. That person is Brett Favre. The man is probably not the richest person in the State of Mississippi but I would bet that he is in the 1%. He took 1.1 million dollars for speaking engagements that he never gave and he asked for the State of Mississippi to divert 5 million dollars to build a new volleyball complex at his alma mater which is the University of Southern Mississippi. Now a person should never take money for services that are not provided, under any circumsta...
  Well Trump has finally been charged with something. He is being sued by the State of New York for fraud. This won’t send him to prison but it may lead to something that does. Remember, it was Tax Fraud that took down Al Capone. It is a sad day for a country when its leadership is as corrupt as it was with the Trump Administration. It is a sad time for the country when it takes so long for our judicial system to do something about it. What is really sad that we live in a country where many people that just don’t care. Trump’s money and his threats of retaliation have kept him out of jail most of his life. He is a man that the Judicial System should have taken down long before he became President. In America it seems that the more money you have, the more rights you have. I really don’t think that was what the framers of the Constitution had in mind when they wrote it. In fact, I think that they were thinking just the opposite. They didn’t want a nobility or monarchy to be above an...
  Sometime I sit back and review my political thoughts on where I live. I pride myself in being an Independent. Of course if you have been reading me you know that I live in Florida. Florida right now is almost Grand Central Station to the huge political divide that grips our nation. I live in a State of extremes from the poorest to the richest people in the world and that is not going to change very soon. We have great beauty but also huge environmental problems. The State is dependent on outsiders coming and spending their money to keep their low taxes but then hate those outsiders for coming here and trying to change Florida. It is a State that talks about freedom then turns around and takes freedom away from certain groups such as women. It is a very diverse state that hates diversity.   One of the biggest people that divided Florida is of course our Governor Ron DeSantis. He is the great great grandson of immigrants but of course he hates immigrants, especially if the c...
  I have to ask. Does everyone know what a fictional character is? Does everyone know that there are no Elves, Dwarfs or Orcs right? You do know that there is no such thing as Mermaids right?   Not only that, but you do know the Ariel was first a cartoon character? Why is the world so upset at the thought of a Black Elf? Why in the world are so many people upset that there is going to be a Black Mermaid?   These are not real beings. They are make believe so they can be any color that the author or screenwriter wants them to be. Heaven forbid that there is a Black Storm Trooper turned Rebel Hero or even a Black Cinderella, oh wait, there has already been a Black Cinderella. How about an Asian Elsa or an Indian Snow White? Now a Hispanic Sleeping Beauty would really be just too much for some of the world to take. No one likes to be called Racist but guess what? Many of the people that were complaining about Black Elves and Black Storm Troopers are Racist plain and simple....
  I am a little confused right now. I know that there are a few Republicans that will say that I am confused most of the time but that is another story. What confuses me is why it seems that our Constitution is just a prop for the Republican News channels? The My Pillow guy had his phone confiscated at a fast food restaurant by the FBI and people are screaming that his Fourth Amendment Rights have been violated. Trump had his South Florida residence searched and people are saying that his Constitutional rights have been violated. Why is it that a different Constitution covers them that doesn’t cover the rest of us? A warrant was attained from a Judge because probable cause was shown that a crime may have been committed but that should only apply to you and I? In Trump’s case they found 11 boxes of documents that he didn’t have any business having. I don’t know what they will find on the My Pillow guy’s phone but he is up to his neck in the Trump crime syndicate. A black women in ...
  Ron Johnson the Republican Senator from Wisconsin is upset. He doesn’t think that your neighbor the Democrat should have a say in America. He also thinks that Democrats should be kicked out of churches. One minute he says sex marriage is bad and he doesn’t support it and the next he has no reason to oppose it. He has stated his opposition to Social Security; he would like to end it. Well he is up for re-election so now he says that he never said that. This is a man that will say anything to get elected but after he is we will see the true man and I will bet that man will be pretty ugly and viscous. This is a man that tried to help over-throw the election and is now saying that he is concerned about the division in this country and we should unite and vote for him. After listening to him talk I really think that drug tests should be mandatory to walk the “Halls of Congress”. I always think what has that man been smoking? Democrats shouldn’t be allowed to participate in America? ...
  I have always hated commercials on TV. Why you ask? Well, for one reason is that they are not honest. Does that Subway sandwich you buy really look like the one you see on TV? Does that Big Mac or Quarter Pounder resemble anything you see in the commercial? If you are looking for the truth a TV commercial is not going to be the place to find it. Now that the campaign season is upon us we get to see more lies. This time of year is the time to watch a lot of the Disney Channel or Netflix. I do not watch a lot of Network Television because of the quality of the programs and because of the commercials. During an election the commercials get even worse. The other night my wife wanted to watch Jeopardy so we turned to that channel and the first two things I see back to back is a commercial of a bunch of actors claiming to be Teachers, Firefighters and Business owners thanking DeSantis for all he has done. Then the very next commercial was one paid for by some concerned citizens group...
  I t is now after Labor Day, the days are getting shorter and our weather is supposed to be getting cooler. Even though according to the calendar Fall doesn’t start for a couple of weeks most of us consider Labor Day as the end of summer. When I get up in the morning the two things I normally check, first, is how my blog is doing and the headlines on my home page which is MSN. There are all kinds of stories about the raid on Trump’s castle and what various politicians and former politicians think. One thing that there was not one article on my Home Page that really jumped at me that I would think should be the major story. That story is the weather or in this case the heat wave, that is gripping much of the country. Is Climate change just an old story? Is our attention span as a society so short that we need a new story to grab our attention? Stories on climate change are not as sexy as FBI agents going through Melania’s closet but believe it or not the Heat Wave Story should be m...
  As I have gotten older I have found myself more inclined to vote against something than to vote for something. I figure out what I stand for then vote against people that don’t stand for those things. I have an easier time telling you why I won’t vote for a Republican than I can tell you why I would vote for a Democrat. Some people would probably tell you that is a dumb way of going about it but it works for me because I am always looking at our past mistakes and not wanting to repeat them. It also keeps me true to my core beliefs. I have watched the evolution of our country and our political parties so it is really hard to lie to me about such things as suppression and racism. I knew who the racist were in the 60s and I know who the racist are now. I have watched riots in pretty much every decade of my life from the 1950s to the 2020s. I have watched the stability of the country, created by a strong middle class, and have watched the destabilization of our country because of a s...
  Biden gives a speech and states that MAGA is not good for America. He is being blasted for this from the MAGA crowd as you would expect him to be. But then he could say the sky is blue and the MAGA crowd would blast him so he might as well speak the truth. Yes it is the truth. The MAGA people are not good for America. How in god’s name would you think that White Supremists groups and illegal militias be good for America? How in god’s name do you think that standing next to these guys make you a great American? I am personally glad that Biden has called out those Trump supporters that want to put an unelected person in the White House. Yes, putting Trump in the White House when he was not elected would mean the end of our Constitution and the end of our Republic. If you think I am over reacting I would say number one, you have never read the Constitution and number two, and you value other things more than our Republic. By challenging the election, like the many Republicans have c...
  I don’t understand. When I was employed everything I did belonged to my employer. When I worked “IT” I would back up the email server knowing that all the emails belonged to the company. I understood what Hillary did was wrong and from a business standpoint that would have been a firing offense or in Hillary’s case was impeachable which would be the Congress’s attempt to fire a Cabinet Member. She was not the first one to do this. She stood there and hid nothing and cooperated with every investigation. But just like the private sector she wouldn’t have gone to jail. Would that have disqualified her from being President? Well in a normal situation I would have said “yes” but 2016 was not a normal situation. She ran against a man that basically was a criminal. He has been accused of rape, sexual assault, mocked the handicap, called women dogs, filed for bankruptcy multiple times, is being   investigated for his business practices and bragged about going backstage at the Miss T...