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Showing posts from April, 2022
When will we start seeing some action by the Department of Justice? I don’t care which branch, any branch will do. I see no one in our Justice System seems to care about the law. Marjorie Taylor Greene lies on the witness stand, nothing. Matthew Cawthorn has broken the law multiple times. There are people that were sentience to life in prison for three strikes. How many Strikes does Cawthorn get? Trump leads an insurrection, nothing. Many Republicans, in my opinion, aided in that insurrection or at the least aided in the cover-up if the insurrection. In some ways I have lost respect for the Judicial System. If the system is meant to keeps the masses in line and not our leaders it is not really a Justice System. A Justice System cannot have multiple rules depending on your financial class and what power you hold in our Government. In fact, maybe they should be held to a higher standard not a lower standard. Also Democrats and Republicans need to be held to the same standard. When a me...
  Living in Florida for the last three years has been interesting. It is a beautiful place to live in some areas and depressing in others but that is not different than pretty much every state of the Union. There is so much wealth here that it is at times disgusting and there is so much poverty and homelessness that it is also disgusting. This seems to be a state of extremes. I feel safe were I am but everyday there seems to be a shooting or a hit and run in the news. At times I think that Florida can be a violent state, more than most. We had a Sherriff state that he would rather have people shoot home intruders. Yup, no trial by the person’s peers, just shoot them. They don’t seem to take their oath to protect the Constitution very seriously; in fact, I don’t think that they take the Constitution very seriously. The thing I fine funny is I have never seen more Churches than I have in Florida. Our Governor is becoming famous for his declaring war on things. He has declared war o...
  Book banning is now become a big thing in Florida. People see Critical Race Theory everywhere. People in Florida see Gays everywhere. People in Florida see Trans people molesting children in bathrooms. Some people in Florida are nuts and our Governor is one of them. There is so much hate that you can feel it when you are out in public and it is getting worse. Why? One word DeSantis! They are now banning math books in Florida Schools claiming they teach Critical Race Theory. Really? Math? Math is going to make you hate your race? I have to say that does not add up. They put out 4 examples of what they say are examples of teaching Critical Race Theory. One was a racial graph. A racial graph is not Critical Race Theory. Math is not a subject that deals big in theory. It is a subject that deals with facts. What is really happening is that any reference to race is being eliminated in the Florida Schools. What is being accomplished? Demonizing anything that is not White and Straight....
  I have said this a lot but in today’s digital age everything we say, post and write can be saved for future generations to see and study maybe forever. Marjorie Taylor Greene has used social media to post some hateful and violent things. This became very apparent on the witness stand. They would ask her a question about her posting. She would say that she does not remember. They would show her the social media showing what she said. She then would blame it on someone else that is managing her social media for her. She spreads hate and then when she is called on it she blames someone else. That is like Hitler blaming his speech writer of all the hate that he spread that caused the death of millions. We tell our children to take responsibly for their actions and we have adults in our government that will not take responsibility for their actions. This is a new age folks, this is a digital age and the truth is just too easy to find. The lies and misinformation that one spreads will ...
  I am writing this on Earth Day. Twenty years ago my wife and I were vacationing on Sanibel Island on Earth Day and it was a pretty big deal. Outside on Bailey’s they were selling Earth Day T-shirts and giving away Earth Day bags. We bought a couple of the T-shirts and we still have the Earth Day bag. Today I was on Sanibel and my wife and I went for coffee at Bailey’s. There was nothing about Earth Day. It seemed like it was just another day. I was disappointed. I would have bought another T-shirt. Is Earth Day just another idea that has been put to rest? If it has, that is a mistake because we need it more now than ever. Earth Day was the brain child of Gaylord Nelson the Democratic Senator from Wisconsin. He asked Republican Congressman Pete McCloskey to co-chair the board to ensure it was bipartisan. The first Earth Day was held in 1970 and, if you were alive back then like I was, you would know that the political climate was a lot different back then as it is now and cooper...
  Guns, guns, guns. Every day, in just about every newspaper in America we can read about a shooting nearby. In 2020 there were over 19,000 homicides and over 24,000 suicides by guns. I have heard many times “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people”. Well, I would like to add that in most if not all cases it is people with guns that kill people and to say otherwise is just ignoring the facts. A gun does not pull its own trigger; a person has to pull that trigger. As of 2020, the top ten gun ownership states per capita five were also in the top ten gun deaths per capita. I don’t know about you but I think that might say that more guns lead to more gun deaths. Funny but you hear about Chicago and Detroit being so violent but neither Illinois nor Michigan are in the top ten in either category. Don’t get me wrong, I think all our inner cities are violent places but maybe because they are in major news centers we hear about the gun violence more. But don’t kid yourself, gun violenc...
  Now let’s continue examining how the “Radical Left” is destroying America like Marjorie Taylor Greene says they are. Of course she is not the only Republican to say that but she always likes to make headlines talking about the radical left like they are some monster devouring our children. Of course who she really is talking about is your neighbor that just may voted Democratic. The “Radical Left” and the “Right” have very different views when it comes to the environment. I will have to say that the study of the environment is part of the study of science. The people that study the environment are called scientist. They analyze many years of climate data. They go to places like Greenland and Antarctica and drill core samples in the ice so they can track the climate back many years. They come up with all this data and come to the conclusion that the climate is warming at a faster rate and more than likely it is being caused by the carbon emissions that we are dumping into the en...
  This will be part two on the “Radical Left” and what is so scary about them. My last posting covered economics, healthcare, and immigration. Neither of those subjects seemed to show how the “Radical Left” would destroy America like Marjorie Taylor Greene says. Let’s continue the search for what is so terrible of the “Radical Left”. Ok, let’s look at what the “Radical Left” wants to do about education. Both sides of the issue are more or less in favor of Public Education. In many cases I think that the right would like to expand things like school choice and the voucher system. The left would rather see more resources stay in the public sector of education. Every dollar that is taken away from our public schools just makes the job of those public schools that much harder. What I don’t like is our tax dollars subsidizing education as a private business where I have no oversight on how my tax dollars are being spent.   That almost sounds like a conservative point of view. One...
  I hear every once in a while the term “Radical Left”. When I hear people like Marjorie Taylor Greene throw those words around she never says what part of America the “Radical Left” would destroy.   I thought I would look at what is so scary about the “Radical Left” that would send chills down the spine of so call good Patriotic Americans. The first thing that I look at is wealth distribution or what some will call the redistribution of wealth. I don’t know why they would say the redistribution of wealth where I really don’t see anyone talking about taking money away from the billionaires and giving it directly to the people without money. What I see is people talking about a livable wage. Mostly paying people what they are worth. What I would call paying people for the real value that they add. Let’s look at a meat producing company. I was reading that the bonus for the CEO of one of those companies was 50 million dollars. The company was making record profits during this ...
  Some things in life just don’t make sense to me and one of those things is Public Education. It is not a sexy subject but it is a subject that should get more attention than what it does. There seems to be a thought that Public Education is failing our society, that Public Education is producing underachieving children. I would say that it does appear that way but as most of the time I look at something completely the opposite than most people. Public education is not failing us, we are failing public education.   As a result we are failing our children. I am not an expert in this subject, but in a way, that is what makes me think that I should write about it. One of the first places that you can look at for failing Public Education is the communities that the schools are in. Can you compare a public school that is in the inner city versus a public school in the suburbs?   In my undereducated observation I would say “no”. How old are some of those inner city schools c...
  History this week was made when they confirmed the first Black Women to the Supreme Court. When you compare Ketanji Brown Jackson’s qualifications over pretty much anyone else currently sitting on the court she seems to be the most qualified. When you are the first, I think that it pretty much has to be that way because of all the opposition that you will get. When it seems that the Republican Party is pretty much basing its whole platform on race, this is one that will go down in the history books. The Republicans argument was one for campaign commercials and not searching for the truth. The party that is soft on crime was afraid that she would be soft on crime. Oh. wait the party that is soft on White Crime is worried that she will be soft on Black Crime. The party that supported an entire crime family in the White House is afraid that she will try and disperse equal justice that is not happening today in my opinion. Rand Paul’s antics will go down in the history books as one o...
  You have the news and you then have Fox News. I don’t watch any cable news. Oh, if the Capitol is being stormed I will turn on MSNBC to watch or, if there is a mass shooting I may tune in to get the details but mostly I like to read my news. My browser/home page is set to the news so I just open it up and start scanning the headlines and start reading. The one news site that I never read is Fox News. People will tell me that I am wrong with that because to be informed I must know all sides of the story and I wonder what in the hell they are talking about. All I want is the truth and I just don’t trust Fox News to give me that, even what they write. If you write articles about Black Life Matters ripping people off of money like Fox News does and do not point out our former president, doing the same, I just don’t want to pay attention. In fact we should be expecting more from a former president and we should be expecting more truth from our news. The news use to be that, the news...
  Most of the time I am a believer in the free market. I always thought that the free market brought about good old fashion competition which I think is a good thing for the consumer. I like it when people are competing for my business. So what is going wrong today? Are we truly working with a free market here in the United States? I am no specialist in this field, I am just a consumer but I would have to say no.   Has there really been a free market system in America? I am no expert but probably not in our lifetime. There are many offenders but I think the biggest offender now is oil. Is there truly healthy competition in the oil industry? If there is I don’t see it. When you have a cartel that meets and discusses how much oil will be drilled and made available to the market does not seem to make for a very competitive market. OPEC stands for Oil Producing Exporting Countries. We are talking about Countries not companies. These countries get together and discuss oil demand ...
  The war is still going on in Ukraine and there seems to be no end in sight. The war at home rages from the Republicans against Gays, Blacks. Immigration, Abortion and anything that is different from what the White evangelicals believe. Now America is supposed to be a free country. But freedom is just a hollow word that has no meaning if it just applies to only part of our Country. I hate to say this but some people of faith do not believe in freedom. Oh they want the freedom to believe what they believe but they do not want you to have the freedom to believe in something else. They act like if you are pro choice you expect every women to get an abortion which is not anything near the truth. Being pro choice means just what it says, choice. I believe that life begins at birth. I believe that you do not have a baby before birth. I am not a big fan of abortion but a child is not a citizen until birth. Until birth the government should stay out of the situation. Instead of searching ...